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Contact Us

If you have any questions or comments about the writing in this blog, please contact Jen at:

If you have any questions or comments about the photography in this blog, please contact Jeff at:

We always welcome constructive feedback, so if you have any, please share!

Thanks and we look forward to hearing from you.

6 Responses to Contact Us

  1. Nathan

    I am ready for a trip report from your trip to the islands 🙂
    Maybe I can join you two next time, but the 3rd wheel doesn’t have a fourth at present.


    • Jen

      When you have a fourth, she’ll be one lucky lady. A trip report will be coming soon… 🙂

  2. Bill Thompson

    Great blog on a great snorkeling adventure! I’d like to see the blog on your Virgin Gorda trip also.

    • Jen

      The blog on Virgin Gorda will be coming soon…that was an excellent trip too. It is truly beautiful here and the snorkeling was fascinating!

  3. Audrey Anderson

    Hi Jen,

    My cousin, Diane, shared your site with me. I just signed up!

    I am going to Japan to visit my son and his family for a month, Oct 15 – Nov 15th. Would you be interested in some pictures and comments? We are going to travel throughout the county during that time. Let me know if you are interested.

    I just spent a week in NY City which was great fun! Also traveled to Bryce Canyon, Zion National Park and Las Vegas for 12 days earlier this year.

    I passed along your info to another cousin that travels a lot more than I do and she posts to Trip Advisor on a regular basis.

    Good luck with your site!! Diane says you are following a dream! That’s a great thing to do!

    Audrey Anderson in Phoenix, AZ

    • Jen

      Hi Audrey,
      Thanks so much for signing up with our site, and for forwarding it along to your cousin! Diane is a dear friend of mine and it means the world to me that she (and her family) are so supportive of our fledgling site.

      I’m envious of your month-long trip to Japan. Have a great time! I’m also intrigued by your offer to share your adventures. While we currently don’t have anything like that on our site, I’ll think about this and, who knows, maybe by October we will have a place to incorporate a type of “guest blog.” Let’s keep in touch.

      Thanks again, and I hope you have many happy (and curious) travels!

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